Tuesday, 7 April 2015

I wish... I had a healthier relationship with money (part 3)

So the month of March came and went. Did I have a healthier relationship with money at the end of it?

Yes. I'd say so. Slightly.

Doesn't sound very convincing, does it. That's because it's not.

What did I actually do to develop a healthier relationship with money in March?

I paid the rent for my home and the rent for my studio on the 1st April. The recipients were gobsmacked and I had to reassure them it wasn't an April Fool's joke.  But did I set up a Direct Debit to automate the process and avoid delays in future? No.

I made a note of how much money was in my bank account and ISA. Plus how much money I owed on my credit card and student loan. But did I move any money around to reduce unnecessary charges? Nope.

I emptied my Bertie Bassett piggy bank and cash tin from craft fairs last year, then created piles of coins and notes like Scrooge McDuck. But did I add it all up and bank it? No I did not.

I visited MoneySavingExpert.com and wrote a list of all the things I could do to save money or make more money. But did I do any of them? Not one.

Did I, instead, buy expensive ink cartridges for my printer, leave one online course only to join another one that costs more, and buy Easter eggs at the last minute that I could have bought earlier for less? Yes, I absolutely did.

*slaps forehead*

I still have a long way to go to develop a healthier relationship with money. It's too important and urgent in my life for me to fail at this wish. So I'm not finished with it yet. 

This month I will list the most important actions I can take to save money and make money, and I will do them by Thursday 30th April. So help me Bertie.

What do you wish you could do? What are the most important actions you could take to make it happen?


  1. Taking small steps is the best way Richard. It can soon build into a habit :) I can't remember what profile you are, according to Wealth Dynamics. I know that as a Star, money is my weakness and I apparently need someone else to navigate my finances. It's actually true for me as, though I am a saver not a spender, I can't think of anything more dull than dealing with grown up money issues. Pensions, mortgages, VAT, invoices - Argghhh!!!! I'd rather do just about anything else. My brain shuts down and I'm not motivated to delve into what you quite rightly say, is an important issue. Good luck my friend, with your continuing growth in this area. I can much sympathise. P xx

    1. Thanks for your last comment Paul. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I put my head down and got stuck into this challenge and I'll write about it very soon. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who avoids grown up money issues like the plague! :-) x
