Tuesday, 2 September 2014

I wish... I cycled to work (part 2)

Like any sport, victory in cycling is achieved by training. Train hard and competing becomes easier. 

So I hear. I don't race. I attempted a triathlon once for charity. Emphasis on once! This time I'll be competing against the terrain, although it could become a race against time to get to work!

It's been more than 6 weeks since my last bike ride. I knew that getting back in the saddle would be difficult.

I wiggled into my black padded lycra shorts and blue jersey. They're not flattering off the bike but feel fantastic on it; light and aerodynamic. I stuffed the pockets with essential tools, food and drink.

A lot of wannabe cyclists think you need all the correct expensive gear before you start. You don't. All you need is a bike with working brakes and working lights, something bright and/or reflective to wear, and a helmet. Done.

Over time you'll work out what you need. For me it was padded shorts, waterproofs, gloves and so on. I still don't own cycling glasses; I wear old sunglasses. And the only reason I bought cycling shoes with cleats (the metal attachments underneath) is because I couldn't be bothered to change the funny little pedals on my bike when I bought it.

My bike tyres were soft so I pumped them up until they were hard. This makes pedalling SO much easier. It might sound obvious but I see a lot of squidgy tyres out there.

I cycled to various villages around my hometown in the evening sunshine, admiring fields of hay bales and cows and horses. I stopped a few times to eat and drink and get out of the way of impatient cars behind me. Can't blame them really; I'm a car driver too. 

I could tell I was less fit than 6 weeks ago; every hill was a slog and I recovered slowly at the top. But I kept going at my own pace and I felt OK rolling back into town.

14.43 miles in 57 minutes and 25 seconds. "Respectable," said my brother-in-law when I told him. He likes to know the details of my rides. I'll explain why another time...

At that pace I could cycle to work in under 90 minutes. Better than Google Maps predicts. However, the route to work has bigger hills and I'll be wearing a rucksack with a change of clothes in it.

More training needed, definitely.

Do you wish you cycled to work? How many miles would that be?

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