Sunday, 31 August 2014

I wish... I fulfilled my own wishes and had no regrets

There are two types of wishes: wishes that you can fulfil by your own actions, and wishes that you can't.

A lot of people spend too much time and energy wishing for things that are beyond their control:
  • I wish it would stop raining.
  • I wish there wasn't so much traffic.
  • I wish there were more hours in the day.

Better to wish for things that you can control:
  • I wish I was fitter.
  • I wish I could speak a foreign language.
  • I wish I spent more quality time with my family. 

Notice how the wishes that you can control are wishes that will improve the quality and richness of your life, and the lives of those around you.

Write a list of all the things that you wish you could do. The things that bug you. The things that you have thought about doing for a while but have never got around to. Things that, frankly, make you feel embarrassed for not having done them already.

Choose one wish, choose one month, and DO SOMETHING to make that wish come true! Set a realistic target for the end of the month, set aside some time each week to take action, and DO IT!

At the end of the month, tell me how you got on. Show me a photo. Shout it from the rooftops if you feel like it. In French.

One more wish fulfilled is one less regret.

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